Here's hoping they catch the little shit who did it.
That should be an automatic life sentence with no parole. Aw, you're only eight years old? That sucks. Watch out for the chomos, because you're going to adult prison.
That should be the mandatory sentence for trying to get people killed over a video game.
<In a sniveling r/canada mod voice>
AnY sPeCuLaTiOn WiLl bE rEmOvEd.
AnD nO nEgAtIvE gEnErALiZaTiOnS aBoUt QuEbExIcAnS oR tHe rELIgIoN oF pEaCe!
In other news, Montreal meter maids being dicks because the cops blocked off the street.
Looks like the mafia got to him
In Quebec? Quelle Surprise!!
Isn't the new Assassin's Creed game about Vikings?
These gamers man ...
People are taking those video game delays a little too seriously.
Hearing that the call was "unfounded".
Maybe they got swatted?
Here's hoping they catch the little shit who did it.
That should be an automatic life sentence with no parole. Aw, you're only eight years old? That sucks. Watch out for the chomos, because you're going to adult prison.
That should be the mandatory sentence for trying to get people killed over a video game.
Someone used the wrong gender in assassins creed?
That site is fucking cancer.
One of the few media outlets that isn’t bought and paid for by JT, beggars can’t be choosers..
Nah, but thanks for the suggestion. You like that ya fucking retard?!?!
I was quoting some old reddit thread about some dude talking to a chick.
Don't make me Orz you! I'll do it!
Even with adblock it's bad. Looks fine with JS turned off.