The crack down of those pushing back against the Covid 19 hysteria has reached INSANE levels. Normies I know are even getting purged left and right just for sharing a video clip or expressing doubts. I've never seen anything like it. A friend of mine got banned from Facebook minutes ago for sharing a video clip of that Alberta doctor speaking out. A half hour ago I got banned from posting on CBC articles 5 MINUTES after disagreeing with the BC mask mandate.
One of the ways this is dangerous is because the fence-sitters look on social media and it appears that everyone is begging for the strict lockdown orders, but it's only because any other opinion is promptly banned.
This is really a psy-op of mass proportions and I believe that in the near distant future, cops will come hunting people like us down simply for posting a message like the one I'm sharing here. They'll claim it's "inciting unrest" or some bullshit.
We're really entering the belly of the beast folks. Do all you can to get the truth out to the normies because as of right now, the evil is winning
Amen, brother. It's always very encouraging when one sees a chink in their armor. I'll say one thing, there's never been a better time to red-pill people than there is now. That's another problem with these "lockdowns". It's very hard go gauge the sentiments regarding this with our common man. I believe that's why we're seeing unprecedented censorship online.
Humans are pack animals, and we often look to the actions of our common man to see what they're doing in order to form our own opinions and decisions. Our government and the institutions that work in lockstep with them are doing all they can to erase any counterargument online in order to perpetuate a public consensus that is outright fake! Hell, I was just pleasantly sharing some pertinent information with a fence-sitter on the Vancouver Sun comments section and I got banned in 30 minutes! I got banned from the CBC site in 5 minutes! for very nice jovial conversing. I mean, I was purposely going very milquetoast with what I was sharing.
Pure and utter insanity