Fuzzmosis 1 point ago +1 / -0

No doubt about it, the 2 DOSE Pfizer decreases in efficacy by more than 85% after 4 months... So how long is a one shot booster really going to be effective?

They're just moving the goalposts slowly.

These people are outright sinister and they're so transparent with tactics

Fuzzmosis 2 points ago +2 / -0

From what I understand, people are still allowed to go in for takeout? Are they really just not letting people enter at all?

Fuzzmosis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Private planes are still allowed. Not very practical, but if we flee the country, it might be our only option.

This shit's like North Korea

Fuzzmosis 5 points ago +5 / -0

Now we're at the part where they ban interprovincial travel for the unvaxxed.

Fuzzmosis 4 points ago +4 / -0

Amen, me too. I'm NEVER taking it. I don't care what they do. I know their gameplan.

Stupid sheeple out there aren't thinking 2 steps ahead.

Fuzzmosis 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you get fired, just go on welfare as you look for a job who isn't forcing medical procedures on you.

Come on guys, this woe is me attitude I'm seeing here is fucking pathetic. How can you guys be caught so flat-footed? Didn't you guys see this shit coming?

Fuzzmosis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Come on dude, that's WEAK. If they force it on you, just let em fire you. You could always go on government assistance after while you look for something else. The vaccine narrative is going to crumble within the next year or 2 at most. So you can wait it out, get another job in the meantime and see how it plays out and if the data comes out and the narrative doesn't collapse, you can always just take the vaccine then when you do go back to a profession that is mandating it.

Antibody Dependent Enhancement is REAL and we're seeing that in Israel, Gibraltar ETC. That's why there's the desperation to rush out the new boosters. After everyone gets sick after being vaccinated and they're forced to get the 3rd, 4th, 5th shot despite having first hand experience of the shot not working, the narrative WILL crumble. You can bank on it. So don't be a sheep who gets bent over by the government when you know the true cards of their hand

Fuzzmosis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep. That's the thing, as they're there shilling talking points, they're also zoning in and collecting tabs on those who show red-flags. Lord knows the feds are probably visiting here on a regular basis haha

Fuzzmosis 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's certainly true. I'm not saying they're the ONLY organization doing this, there's definitely other NGO's who have offices staffed up with people doing this crap round the clock. I'm just saying they're a big part of it and that this is the form that it takes.

Fuzzmosis 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's crazy man. The internet never used to be this way. The education system brainwashing is really show its colors with this new generation.

Fuzzmosis 3 points ago +3 / -0

Very well said, brother. It's insane how militarism around the world is now being weaponized against its own citizens. We have new United States military documents stating that people who push back against covid guidelines are terrorists, there's the Australian military targeting people for leaving their homes and I expect that same nonsense will be targeted against us too.

As the globalists come out and get more and more out in the open and transparent with their 1 world government agenda, it makes sense that they see anyone not marching along with the plan as the enemy. Most people serving their country are entirely unaware of that dynamic and it's sad to see. I really hope more military men wake up and realize that they're being played.

Fuzzmosis 1 point ago +1 / -0

These people are nuts. Just imagine how many people this is going to radicalize if implemented nationwide. No common sense.

Fuzzmosis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, the main purpose of a the vaccine passport is to ensure everyone is strong armed into taking the boosters. I think that's because the government are well aware of the dangers of Antibody Dependent Enhancement. It's especially common as the vaccine wears off. The Pfizer FDA report literally alludes to this.

Fuzzmosis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amen, me neither. I don't care what tactics of coercion they use. It's obvious there's an ulterior motive and that the desperation isn't based in scientific facts.

Fuzzmosis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gotta give credit where credit's due. Kenney seems to be one of the few premiers actually speaking truth. I'm impressed with him.

Fuzzmosis 4 points ago +4 / -0

No kidding. This should be a SLAM-DUNK issue to run on. Take a strong stance against vaccine passports and he'll have Liberals flocking to him in droves as well. The vaccine passport is one of those issues that is sensitive for people and they don't feel comfortable expressing their real opinions on it. Most common sense people are against it.

Fuzzmosis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great point about the lobby groups.

Does anyone not think that the ADL and the SPLC won't have teams of people going through posts? Hell, I'm convinced they'll likely be the ones hired to sift through all of the complaints.

This is the end of a free and open internet as we know it.... No dissidents allowed.

Fuzzmosis 11 points ago +11 / -0

lol news just broke in the UK that the health minister expects people will need to take these injections for the NEXT 10 YEARS! hahaha

Can you imagine the amount of chemicals that are going to be pumped inside the sheeple before the ruling elite are done with this nonsense?

I'm never fucking take it! I don't trust the system and I don't trust big-pharma.

Fuzzmosis 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why would anyone in their right mind abide by these rules?

Massive social disobedience is the only answer.

Fuzzmosis 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wow. Can't believe this is actually being rolled out. Israel just did away with their system and apparently the UK is moving away from it. Canada's pretty much the only country in the world implementing them.

Social unrest and non compliance is a must... Things are going to get ugly.

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