If you guys have been on Reddit or Twitter lately, the "bot" accounts are so obvious. Any time the CBC or other Canadian MSM outlets make a tweet about vaccine passports, the top shown tweets are all users with 0-50 accounts pushing pro-vaccine passport talking points (their entire post history consists of this)... You've all seen them, the "we've always needed vaccine passports to travel, the "vaccine passports are like a seat-belt law" ETC. And even though those posts are always ratio'd, Twitter always has em at the top of the queue.

Popular Canadian subreddits are entirely unbearable now with sock accounts pushing the same narratives. And of course then the MSM comes out with stories saying "The tide is turning! people warming up to the vaccine passport idea!"

It's all such bullshit and so transparent. Our government hates us and they work around the clock to deceive us. Say, has Justin Trudeau ever apologized for promising that the AstraZenica vaccine was safe? Why of course not! Very evil people.


I was talking to my mom this evening and she was saying that she on the news that one could get a religious exemption for the vaccine passport being issued in Quebec. Since Canada is super Liberal and they don't wanna piss off minority communities like the Muslims, they're offering religious exemptions.

I'm a Christian man and these vaccines were all developed using aborted fetal tissue, so it's as good of a reason as any to not get the vaccine.

I'm just wondering if any of you guys explored how one goes about this process yet? I'm just trying to get my ducks in a row for when the vaccine passport is inevitably rolled out across the country.


Pretty easy to see why they're getting ready to have a system in place where all internet dissent is forbidden.

I can see them rolling out a vaccine booster in the fall because of a "variant" outbreak IE flu season and then finally rolling out the vaccine passports. They didn't have the infrastructure ready for roll out yet, so now it'll be perfected in time for the booster.

Once the booster is mandated, anyone pushing back will be persecuted for "spreading dangerous propaganda" and that will essentially be deemed as hate speech by the new law.

Pretty much anyone standing against the radical changes that are coming whether it's vaccine mandates or UBI, people who really work to fight it will be persecuted under this law. The military and other lobbyist groups will be patrolling social media and knocking every popular poster off 1 by 1.

The Great Reset agenda can't be waged on the unwitting public with a free and open internet.

We're in for some verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry dark times ahead. I know talk of fleeing is often just hyperbole, but my God, it's going to be the only option.

This country is SCREWED


The social credit score is coming. With the latest news breaking regarding the biometric surveillance being put in place, we can all be certain that that leaked e-mail is 100 percent legit.

I'd expect there to be an all out war but Canadians are so docile and ignorant that they won't even know what hit them. They'll rationalize "it's just the way the world is now because of covid19"


A reason why something like this will have problems flying in Canada is because of the large number of minority people who are dead set against taking the vaccine. If you look at the polling across America, it's people of color who are rejecting the vaccine in the largest numbers.

Now this may be anecdotal evidence, but I live in a heavily Muslim populated area and I've been picking everyones mind as to whether they'll get the vaccine or not and I gotta tell you, Muslims seem to be the one group of people who are DEADSET against taking it. It's been somewhat surprising and very encouraging to me as I'm a man who's vehemently against this type of thing being mandated on society.

So lets fast forward a year and pretend that vaccine passports are rolled out. Are places of business really going to feel comfortable telling an African-Canadian family "sorry, you're not allowed in this theater, you have to leave or we're calling the police". Are they going to feel comfortable kicking a Muslim couple out of a restaurant? If one really wanted to see the fabric of society get torn apart, these kinds of enforcements would do it to a T.

In this society in which we live where everyone is hyper-sensitive about discrimination, these kinds of actions against minorities would be straight up nuclear.

Vocal idiots on social media seem to think that people who don't want to take this particular mRNA vaccine are redneck white people who like Donald Trump so they're all for discriminating against them and foreboding them from entry if they don't have the vaccine but that's not even the half of it.

This is the big problem that these vaccine pushers face and it's probably why a passport wouldn't be practical. They'll probably require them to get into different countries and to board a flight though and that's a big problem that needs to be fought, but I don't think this kind of enforcement will be a problem in our every day lives.


Has the world lost its fucking mind?! The vaccine has only been authorized under the emergency use clause and hasn't met the normal safety precautions or approval and these corporations already have a raging hard on and are collaborating with the government to make them mandatory.

Aside from the side effects being downright awful and in a lot of cases even worse than having covid19, there's still very serious long-term questions regarding the effect it will have on ones fertility and their long-term general immunity. The FDA report very seriously addresses that it's unclear whether the vaccine will lead to "SUSCEPTIBILITY TO OTHER UNRELATED VIRUSES, ESPECIALLY AS IMMUNITY WEARS OFF"... Do people NOT think that this is an important question that MUST be thoroughly studied and answered before rolling out the shots to millions of people?

For a little context, India just banned the Pfizer vaccine and there's been massive disagreements across the country in regards to the safety of the vaccine in elderly, some countries forbidding it for people over 75, some countries over even 65. This is serious stuff.

The world's gone full out clown show with this. As I'm not at risk, there's no way in hell I'm ever going to take an mRNA gene therapy concoction that trains my body to attack a specific spike protein. This is to vague a technology and the risk far out ways the benefit.

If there's even ANY repercussions towards people for not getting it, we need to organize mass resistance in a peaceful and lawful way.


Come on out and let your voice be heard!

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