The crack down of those pushing back against the Covid 19 hysteria has reached INSANE levels. Normies I know are even getting purged left and right just for sharing a video clip or expressing doubts. I've never seen anything like it. A friend of mine got banned from Facebook minutes ago for sharing a video clip of that Alberta doctor speaking out. A half hour ago I got banned from posting on CBC articles 5 MINUTES after disagreeing with the BC mask mandate.
One of the ways this is dangerous is because the fence-sitters look on social media and it appears that everyone is begging for the strict lockdown orders, but it's only because any other opinion is promptly banned.
This is really a psy-op of mass proportions and I believe that in the near distant future, cops will come hunting people like us down simply for posting a message like the one I'm sharing here. They'll claim it's "inciting unrest" or some bullshit.
We're really entering the belly of the beast folks. Do all you can to get the truth out to the normies because as of right now, the evil is winning
SPOT ON, brother!
The government/media/big-tech is working in lockstep to erase any counterarguments in order to showcase what is a completely phony public consensus.
There's A LOT of people on the fence with this shit, and so they go poking around on social media and all they see is people cheering it on enthusiastically. I am CERTAIN a lot of this commenting is from bots. Hell, when we read about our military weaponizing propaganda against us to form opinions THIS is the kinda thing it refers to. All propaganda is done online. It's not like old days where you'd have a magazine spread or radio airtime. And honestly, I gotta say it's every effective. It is demoralizing reading this nonsense until you take a step back and see what's actually happening.
Beautifully put. Summed up absolutely perfectly.
It's all part of the technocratic takeover. They want society to experience EVERYTHING through an online interface. That way they can easily monitor everything. Tapping phones and computers isn't enough for the rulers, they want to be there and able to watch over everything you do. That's really the big push behind the "internet of things" that we read a lot about now. It's what Klaus Schwabb talks about with the Great Reset that all the global leaders keep parroting.
The plan is for a complete prison planet, and the globalists aren't even hiding it anymore. 5G and then later 6G will really be massive gains up the field for the NWO and these surveillance plans.**