If the pro-lockdown pro-mask crowd lived in Nazi Germany, they would have supported Hitler and snitched on their neighbours and families.
I have peers who want to be able to snitch on the non-compliant. These are peers who I grew up with and seemed resonable.
There are probably more pro-totalitarian scums around us than we think.
My dad thinks that people who promote COVID conspiracy theories should be fined and/or imprisoned. Yet with a straight face laughs at me when I say that Canada is turning into an authoritarian police state.
The concept of liberty is lost on people. I want more restrictions than say a libertarian would want. But a lot of people are comfortable with restrictions on liberty that horrify the fuck out of me.
I'm not a "taxation is theft" kind of guy. But there is a huge difference between paying taxes and fining/throwing people in jail/executing people for promoting conspiracy theories. Yes executing. In my best Stefan Molyneux impression: If you resist arrest when you break these restrictions, you will be shot.
And at this point with the government spending money like a drunk sailor, spending a huge deficit on COVID, I am 100% in agreement with the taxation is theft people now. Even though I am not opposed to the concept of taxation and social safety nets.
I have peers who want to be able to snitch on the non-compliant. These are peers who I grew up with and seemed resonable.
There are probably more pro-totalitarian scums around us than we think.
My dad thinks that people who promote COVID conspiracy theories should be fined and/or imprisoned. Yet with a straight face laughs at me when I say that Canada is turning into an authoritarian police state.
The concept of liberty is lost on people. I want more restrictions than say a libertarian would want. But a lot of people are comfortable with restrictions on liberty that horrify the fuck out of me.
I'm not a "taxation is theft" kind of guy. But there is a huge difference between paying taxes and fining/throwing people in jail/executing people for promoting conspiracy theories. Yes executing. In my best Stefan Molyneux impression: If you resist arrest when you break these restrictions, you will be shot.
And at this point with the government spending money like a drunk sailor, spending a huge deficit on COVID, I am 100% in agreement with the taxation is theft people now. Even though I am not opposed to the concept of taxation and social safety nets.