Lots of guys think hookers are cheaper, and prefer the honest and clean-cut negotiation of prostitution to the cryptic dance you actually have with "free sex" in most cases. Look, bottom line is it shouldn't be any of our fucking business what other consenting adults do with their time, money and bodies, and I have to trust that people know their own circumstances best and make their own decisions accordingly. I've never done hookers, but I could easily see checking a couple things off the bucket list that way, which would be a helluva lot cheaper and more practical than the alternatives. And why not, if a couple of consenting adult women are willing to sell me the service?
We got a wild virgin here folks.
Hit 50 with grown kids, and still tell me you didn't pay for sex. And you want to call me fucking stupid.
Lots of guys think hookers are cheaper, and prefer the honest and clean-cut negotiation of prostitution to the cryptic dance you actually have with "free sex" in most cases. Look, bottom line is it shouldn't be any of our fucking business what other consenting adults do with their time, money and bodies, and I have to trust that people know their own circumstances best and make their own decisions accordingly. I've never done hookers, but I could easily see checking a couple things off the bucket list that way, which would be a helluva lot cheaper and more practical than the alternatives. And why not, if a couple of consenting adult women are willing to sell me the service?