My neighbours had their grandparents by this morning dropping off presents for their little spawn. So I immediately call 1-800-Rat-Fink and had granny dragged out in cuffs. The bitch deserved it, too. Now back to my basement for a nice can of Code Red Mountain Dew and some tendies...
Oh, I'm hard already, I'm watching my fave hentai where the main character is a 500 year old vampire in the body of an 11 year old girl, so I'm not pedo 'cause she's 500 years old, see?
My neighbours had their grandparents by this morning dropping off presents for their little spawn. So I immediately call 1-800-Rat-Fink and had granny dragged out in cuffs. The bitch deserved it, too. Now back to my basement for a nice can of Code Red Mountain Dew and some tendies...
Oh, I'm hard already, I'm watching my fave hentai where the main character is a 500 year old vampire in the body of an 11 year old girl, so I'm not pedo 'cause she's 500 years old, see?