The Ontario government is investing $633 million towards the construction of two new facilities at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).
It's the same bullshit race politics where hundreds of millions of dollars are going to what is supposed to be a serious problem that destroys families and lives, yet actively excludes the people most affected to pander to fucking trannies and mud people.
Had to take a fluff class in college because “requirements to graduate”. We had a topic about this issue. This Muslim professor asked the question about who are amongst the highest for suicide rates. Answers trickled in, natives blacks, women. He finally mentions white males and the class is just dead quiet. It took some fasting fuck (not even white btw some Ethiopian fuck) CAMH needs to rot. They’re dead to this country.,that%20was%20held%20at%20CAMH.
It's the same bullshit race politics where hundreds of millions of dollars are going to what is supposed to be a serious problem that destroys families and lives, yet actively excludes the people most affected to pander to fucking trannies and mud people.
Had to take a fluff class in college because “requirements to graduate”. We had a topic about this issue. This Muslim professor asked the question about who are amongst the highest for suicide rates. Answers trickled in, natives blacks, women. He finally mentions white males and the class is just dead quiet. It took some fasting fuck (not even white btw some Ethiopian fuck) CAMH needs to rot. They’re dead to this country.
Hmmmm wonder why?
The globalist plan is to destroy the white, conservative male.