posted ago by WhyAreYouLikeThis ago by WhyAreYouLikeThis +47 / -0

All of this shit going on right now is happening because the people at the top have complete impunity. The media is in their pocket, they control the judicial systems, they've brainwashed most the population. And so, they are untouchable.

Implement non-science based lockdowns - untouchable. Funnel taxpayer money to large corporations via stimulus payments - untouchable. Destroy small business with repeated cycles of non-science based lockdowns - untouchable. Import mass amount of immigrants and give them specific benefits to guarantee they will vote for you which solidifies your place in permanent power - untouchable.

Every terrible thing they do, they remain untouchable. They remain emboldened by this unrelenting and unchallenged status. They can and they will do whatever they want. Despite being few of them and millions of us, they are The Untouchables. They'd probably start to tread a whole lot lighter if they felt touchable.