Yah, we have a small but dedicated crew of Professional Activists with a regular Flavor Aid following here. The average person in the City cannot stand them.
Bad luck for the Officer, 2 of them were phone jockeying that day.
Chief Dan Kinsella replaced the previous Chief who took a stand against "race" Statistics by saying they were JUST Statistics. He retired voluntarily because he had no intention of stepping that back or apologizing.
CBC, CTV and Global don't even bother to leave their Office to Report the "News" here anymore. They just wait for Facebook News to do their job now.
Yah, we have a small but dedicated crew of Professional Activists with a regular Flavor Aid following here. The average person in the City cannot stand them.
Bad luck for the Officer, 2 of them were phone jockeying that day.
Chief Dan Kinsella replaced the previous Chief who took a stand against "race" Statistics by saying they were JUST Statistics. He retired voluntarily because he had no intention of stepping that back or apologizing.
CBC, CTV and Global don't even bother to leave their Office to Report the "News" here anymore. They just wait for Facebook News to do their job now.