It should but won't. If the other two are going to make statements, then you open yourself up to attack by being the one that doesn't make a statement.
You have to play the game as dirty as your opponent is, or you'll lose.
You also have to recognize that:
The vast majority of voters get all their information from the MSM.
If you're a conservative candidate, the media are circling above you 24/7 just waiting for your to say (or not say) something that they can use to convince the voters that you're racist. And these voters are stupid, but they're not that stupid. They'll believe the media's spin, but only if the media's got some semblance of evidence. The only way to not fall prey to this is to not give the media anything at all they can spin into a believable racism accusation.
It is not an even playing field but that's how it is.
It should but won't. If the other two are going to make statements, then you open yourself up to attack by being the one that doesn't make a statement.
You have to play the game as dirty as your opponent is, or you'll lose.
You also have to recognize that:
The vast majority of voters get all their information from the MSM.
If you're a conservative candidate, the media are circling above you 24/7 just waiting for your to say (or not say) something that they can use to convince the voters that you're racist. And these voters are stupid, but they're not that stupid. They'll believe the media's spin, but only if the media's got some semblance of evidence. The only way to not fall prey to this is to not give the media anything at all they can spin into a believable racism accusation.
It is not an even playing field but that's how it is.
And if they do it with no evidence, they make fools of themselves.
And how's the "Screw public opinion" approach working out for Max?