posted ago by KirbyMorph ago by KirbyMorph +50 / -0


Canada's national data updated daily will be primary source for data and you can go to any provincial health site for rest of data on ICU Beds, Hospitalizations, etc at a local level if you desire.

Total Hospitals in 2019 - Approx 1244

From Canada.ca data linked above:

Between April 19, 2021 and April 26, 2021:
the number of hospital beds occupied by COVID-19 patients - 3,182 beds.
the number of ICU beds occupied by COVID-19 patients - 1,365 beds.
the number of COVID-19 patients who were mechanically vented - 788.
There have been over 32,127,668 COVID-19 tests performed in Canada or 845,348 tests per 1 million people. Of these, 4.1% were positive.
We have detailed case report data on 1,202,682 cases in total, and hospitalization status for 830,342 (69.0%) of them:
61,938 cases (7.5%) total were hospitalized, of whom:
11,335 (18.3%) total were admitted to the ICU
1,829 (3.0%) needed mechanical ventilation

Out of the 830,000 total cases in Canada we have data for, 7.5% were hospitalized for a total of 62,000 people. Of those 62,000, only 11,000 were admitted to the ICU and of that 11,000, only 1,800 needed a ventilator. That's the entire pandemic. For reference, Ontario has over 3500 ICU beds on its own, though about 1000 are for overflow/post-surgery/etc. At start of pandemic, Quebec stated it was ready for it with over 1000 ICU beds and 3000 ventilators.

Even taking that into consideration, Ontario ALONE has more than enough capacity for THE ENTIRE COUNTRY based on the national data and Ontario and Quebec make up the highest percent of cases at about 66% of our total. Both have more ICU beds combined than the total active ICU patients in the country with thousands of beds to spare. Official data from their provincial websites show they have less ICU usage than previous years. They are not near standard operating capacity even with covid at height of pandemic. Yet every hospital is at capacity and overloaded and system failing? Theyve had a year to add capacity and not one hospital has expanded their capacity in any meaningful way. Ontario laid off hundreds of nurses for Christ's sake. We have over 1200 hospitals. There are only 1400 ICU patients. 1 per hospital nationwide. Yes, we cant get a perfect distribution, but the beds arent perfectly distributed either. Higher populations obviously have higher number of beds and economy of scale to expand. But 1 fucking bed per hospital nationwide is the extent of our covid ICU emergency? That is collapsing our system? The two largest provinces hit have enough capacity for the entire fucking nation. When do the lies stop?