xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

The rich got richer. The working class got richer in this scenario too. They did not get poorer. Both scenarios are good things. There is nothing wrong with the rich getting richer because the rich getting richer does not mean the poor get poorer. Both can get richer in unison, especially when the cost of goods/services go down.




xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

But that's not what you said. You said he raised taxes on normal people, which he didn't.

Trump put most of the tax cuts towards cutting the corporate tax rate because the US has the highest corporate tax rate in the entire world. Trump put the corporate tax rate at the global average: 25%. If a 25% corporate tax rate is good for your beloved nordic welfare states and for your Canada, then it should be good for the United States.

The leading capitalist nation should not have a 40% corporate tax rate

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

Conservatism down to it's bare essentials is "No group of people, no matter how educated, can be smart enough or know enough to centrally plan a society of any size." You could not centrally plan a small town of 600 people with the most educated people in the world, let alone states/countries of scale like the United States or Canada.

xzibit_b 2 points ago +2 / -0

Both Democrats and Republicans are financially dogshit at the national level. Republicans spent all of Reagan and Clinton's gains during the Bush administration when Bush had a Republican Congress for 6 out of the 8 years of his dismal years. Obama had a Republican House for 6 out of the 8 years of his Presidency, and a Republican Congress (both branches) for 2 out of his 8 years, and yet, spending did not even so much as slow down. When Trump entered office, when the GOP held the house for 2 years, they intentionally removed wall funding from the House budget bill while making sure to fund planned parenthood. Both of them are puckered assholes, but the Dems are an existential threat. Republicans are just money hungry whores for lobbyist cash

xzibit_b 2 points ago +2 / -0

The billionaires and corporations donate to Democrats and hate Republicans. Also


"He raised taxes on normal people"

You were correct that he cut taxes on the rich, but you had to keep going and then tell a lie. Shame

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

How true do you think this actually is?

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

The current United States regime (not just Biden, but the run of the mill apparatchik who exists in any given administration including the Trump one) wants world domination too. And the US has done more damage in the world to achieve that goal with it's incessant overthrowing of foreign governments for it's own ends.

You, being a liberal, could probably name every war crime the US has ever committed.

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

You don't even strike me as someone who believes in nations let alone patriotism so if he's being anti-patriotic against the imperialist nation of the US, isn't that good?

Russian state media is rife with propaganda and misinformation. American state media is rife with propaganda and misinformation. They're both trash.

xzibit_b 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're talking to a Canadian who is mind broken about American politics and projects American politics onto Canadians

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

How did Trump policies benefit my life? Number 1 moving to bring the American empire to an end abroad, starting with a withdrawal from Syria as well as the closing down of American bases in foreign lands. America has had it's hey day of oppressive imperialism abroad, it's time to turn inward and deal with our own shit.

Number 2 energy independence brought this nation sub $2 gas prices. Gas prices don't merely affect the price you pay at the pump, energy independence affects the cost of shit you buy at the grocery store. Energy independence reduces the US need to rely on foreigners, both enemies and allies, for oil. With energy independence, the US needs to worry less about shit happening outside of its borders and so there's less excuse to go around fucking around in the middle east and starting pointless wars.

Number 3 Trump's policies have brought notoriety to a southern border issue that the uniparty system in America had spent decades pretending wasn't there. Trump couldn't solve the issue wholly as, even with his first two years in office, the Republican Party controlling the House showed it did not want a border by virtue of taking Trump's 2017 budget proposal, removing funding for the wall, and refusing to budge on the matter. The fact that the House was anti-wall was entirely the fault of us GOP voters, too many of us having a disconnect to see that when we send a man who says he's going to drain the swamp, we need to understand that our representatives and senators are also a part of that swamp. We didn't get it then and even now, six years later as evidenced by Tim Scott, John Cornyn, and other faggots winning landslide re-elections, we still don't get it. The border war is something which is going to have to be addressed for a long time, and it's something which one man won't be able to solve. If Trump wins re-election and we give him another bog standard Chamber of Commerce Republican House and Senate, no Trump supporter should be surprised if Trump fails to deal with immigration in a second term either.

Number 4 Trump brought jobs. Not recovery jobs, as the meme about Biden's heckin insane job creation shows, but EXPANSION jobs. Trump's was an economy expanding, not regaining it's strength. These were new jobs, not old jobs that managed to survive the pandemic.

https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/nfib-business-optimism-index - Small Business Optimism hit all time highs under Trump. I suppose they all were optimistic of the country because of Trump's ebil lies?

Le heckin ebil Trump tax cuts for the rich... Well, your statist counter parts in the US, now that the fall out of such tax cuts expiring which are only for the rich btw, are starting to sing a more honest tune about who the tax cuts really benefitted - https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-seeks-extension-of-trump-tax-cuts-for-most-households-9109b53f

Trump tariffs did not hurt the economy nor did it cause a shift in costs to the end consumer - https://www.nbcnews.com/business/economy/trump-right-tariffs-helped-gdp-growth-not-way-you-want-n1005311

Real wages in the US skyrocketed in growth under Trump. Pair that with low inflation and wages were actually increasing, not just nominally. Paired with energy independence and the reducing cost of materials at that time, only a detached socialist from Canada who spends their time bitching about American politics could not understand the affect that would have on livelihood - https://www.statista.com/statistics/612519/average-annual-real-wages-united-states/

Actually talk about Canadian issues, not just bitching about American ones

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

As opposed to American state media? State media is state media.

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

If my country is such a shit hole, then be grateful Canada isn't and move on. Because we certainly aren't thinking about Canada, us being the basket case we are

xzibit_b 2 points ago +2 / -0

What is a fascist? Also, "anti-fascists" hate more than just "fascists." For one, you most definitely hate private property. And you most definitely like it when giant corporations like YouTube, Google, and Facebook/Meta work in concert with your favorite political party to stymy your political and ideological opponents. There's a word for that and it starts with an F...

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like how you said something sensible, that you hate all politicians, and he downvoted you because he wanted you to be a boot licker for the Democrat Party lmao. This person is deeply mentally ill. Just come live in America with us Urallfucked. You barely pass as a Canadian

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

Uh ok. Thanks.

As a Republican, I sit back in astonishment and watch members of my party vote against American sovereignty, something which was huge back in the time of Harding and Coolidge


I don't know or care about your deep seated mental illness in regards to American politics but GOP voters fucking hate Republican politicians save for a single digit few of them

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm actually jealous that you guys aren't paying your obligations. The US is, and for what, for woke generals to eventually push us into another humiliating loss? Why should we pay for a military when our dickhead woke generals are too busy focusing on bathrooms and racism? I don't think Canada or Europe are in the wrong, I think the US is in the wrong for pretending that we still have the balls to win any fight anymore. We don't. So we should stop overfunding our military and just bring the money home. Maybe if we ever elect a man with a brain again, we could return to common sense. But right now, we're just lost.

xzibit_b 3 points ago +3 / -0

In America, they're normally this dumb when they're highly educated

xzibit_b 4 points ago +4 / -0

American propaganda is getting shameless, huh?

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