Imagine if police or politicians came out and said some made up facts like that about black thugs…
Never mind, Julian Fantino did just that 30 years ago using actual facts and was called a racist and race based data collection was ended. This clown world started spinning a long time ago.
In 1989, then-North York police superintendent Julian Fantino, later to become Toronto police chief and a federal Conservative cabinet minister, released police statistics showing that while blacks made up 6% of the population in Jane Finch, they committed 82% of robberies and muggings, 55% of purse snatchings and 51% of drug offences.
Fantino said he gave the information to North York’s race relations committee to counter criticism police were disproportionately targeting blacks in Jane Finch.
Imagine if police or politicians came out and said some made up facts like that about black thugs…
Never mind, Julian Fantino did just that 30 years ago using actual facts and was called a racist and race based data collection was ended. This clown world started spinning a long time ago.