Ah yes, the fine people who can support two diametrically opposed causes, and not think about it all.
sorry you lost the land native americans, now instead of clean water we're gonna import 400,000 pajeets who will give even less of a fuck about you than we do.
The other day CBC radio had a pro-immigrant tear-jerker. They interviewed this Indian guy who ahd been in BC 20 years, trying to get his wife to come over to Canada. He needed and INTERPRETER.
Ah yes, the fine people who can support two diametrically opposed causes, and not think about it all.
sorry you lost the land native americans, now instead of clean water we're gonna import 400,000 pajeets who will give even less of a fuck about you than we do.
"This First Person piece is by Bhoomika Dongol, who lives in Regina and has worked in the non-profit sector for more than nine years. "
Oh thank goodness, I was hoping to hear Bhoomika's perspective on this
"It is funny how we trick ourselves into thinking we 'own' land. "
I do and I worked my ass of for it. Get fucked you communist cunt!
The other day CBC radio had a pro-immigrant tear-jerker. They interviewed this Indian guy who ahd been in BC 20 years, trying to get his wife to come over to Canada. He needed and INTERPRETER.
I guess I boycotted Canada Day before it was cool. Like just around the time Trudeau decided to make lawfully acquired firearms illegal.
"It's so bad, I feel the burden and guilt of living on stolen land"
"So will you go back home then?"