Because every time I see the "Canadian" flag, I see the flag of the Liberal party, Red and White, Red Maple Leaf. Have you even looked at the Libs party logos, colours, etc... That flag is the flag of the Liberal conquest of Canada and that's why I want it hauled down and shoved up Justin's ass. (Not that he doesn't enjoy having things shoved up his ass.)
How about we remove the rainbow and BLM flags while we are at it? Those arent our nations symbols. Put the Red Ensign back up!
Yeah, bring back the Red Ensign!
I approve of this message. The old British Empire flag annoys the right type of people. Hippies and commies. Ya know, the “muh colonisers!!” Type.
Why would you want a faggy fuckin leaf on your flag instead of symbols that go back nearly thousand years?
Because every time I see the "Canadian" flag, I see the flag of the Liberal party, Red and White, Red Maple Leaf. Have you even looked at the Libs party logos, colours, etc... That flag is the flag of the Liberal conquest of Canada and that's why I want it hauled down and shoved up Justin's ass. (Not that he doesn't enjoy having things shoved up his ass.)
Yep, Gay Pride, the "pride" of tasting your own shit on another mans dick.
They should change the pride flag to just a big dick and balls covered in shit.