I wonder what your response would be when a Liberal MP would tweet that Bernier should get the Mussolini treatment. Trudeau isn't a Nazi or a Fascist. There are free elections in Canada. He can be voted out. If you're suggesting violence as alternative to a peaceful and democratic way which even Bernier supports to 100%, then you as good as all these Antifa kids asking for Trump's head to roll.
I wonder what your response would be when a Liberal MP would tweet that Bernier should get the Mussolini treatment. Trudeau isn't a Nazi or a Fascist. There are free elections in Canada. He can be voted out. If you're suggesting violence as alternative to a peaceful and democratic way which even Bernier supports to 100%, then you as good as all these Antifa kids asking for Trump's head to roll.
And should these Liberal MPs that would call for Bernier's death be thrown out or ignored like this PPC candidate?
He isn't. He's as much of a Nazi or Fascist as Bernier or Trump.
Nothing Trudeau did amounts to treason. You don't even know the legal definition of treason. You would have to look it up.