Press lying as usual. The real story is that the wife went in for a flu shot and was "accidentally" given an mRNA death shot. Husband was irate and went in and punched the nurse.
Take this story as a warning: any interaction at all with the "death care system" as I now call it could result in your being given a death shot against your will and without your consent. Go in for a broken leg, come out with a jab.
Think about what's happening: they are firing all the doctors and nurses who are objecting to forced vaxxinations. That means they are firing all the ones with a CONSCIENCE. All that will be left are monsters like this one:
Press lying as usual. The real story is that the wife went in for a flu shot and was "accidentally" given an mRNA death shot. Husband was irate and went in and punched the nurse.
Take this story as a warning: any interaction at all with the "death care system" as I now call it could result in your being given a death shot against your will and without your consent. Go in for a broken leg, come out with a jab.
Think about what's happening: they are firing all the doctors and nurses who are objecting to forced vaxxinations. That means they are firing all the ones with a CONSCIENCE. All that will be left are monsters like this one:
huh? Every news report says something like
his consent? gmafb