"There was little variation in weekly deaths between 2020 and the prior five years for individuals younger than 65 years of age. Similar patterns were observed for women and men"
Did you miss this part retard? Variations, as in the increase is not statistically significant.
You need to pay closer attention. Your quote is referring to Figure 2: "Figure 2 compares the weekly death counts in Canada in 2020 to the average weekly death counts from 2015 to 2019 for people less than 65 years of age".
When you look at the graph comparing the two you can see that except for three weeks total in February and March of 2020 the number of deaths in people under 65 dying in 2020 is always higher than the in 2015-2019. Select the "Figure 2: Text Description" option and look at the spreadsheet.
And it is mostly higher by a hundred or more. For all but a few weeks of the year. That's where the extra 5000+ in 2020 in people under 65 comes from that is reported in the tables on the page I mentioned earlier, the one that has the figures your page's report is based on: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1310079201
"There was little variation in weekly deaths
The "little variation" they are referring to has to do with the fact that the graph lines are closer together than for the over 65 victims, not that there is no difference as you seem to be claiming.
There were over 5000 excess deaths in people under 65 in 2020. You can believe none of them were from covid if you want to.
"There was little variation in weekly deaths between 2020 and the prior five years for individuals younger than 65 years of age. Similar patterns were observed for women and men"
Did you miss this part retard? Variations, as in the increase is not statistically significant.
You need to pay closer attention. Your quote is referring to Figure 2: "Figure 2 compares the weekly death counts in Canada in 2020 to the average weekly death counts from 2015 to 2019 for people less than 65 years of age".
When you look at the graph comparing the two you can see that except for three weeks total in February and March of 2020 the number of deaths in people under 65 dying in 2020 is always higher than the in 2015-2019. Select the "Figure 2: Text Description" option and look at the spreadsheet.
And it is mostly higher by a hundred or more. For all but a few weeks of the year. That's where the extra 5000+ in 2020 in people under 65 comes from that is reported in the tables on the page I mentioned earlier, the one that has the figures your page's report is based on: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1310079201
The "little variation" they are referring to has to do with the fact that the graph lines are closer together than for the over 65 victims, not that there is no difference as you seem to be claiming.
There were over 5000 excess deaths in people under 65 in 2020. You can believe none of them were from covid if you want to.