Total new cases: 11,582
Unvaxxed: 1,554
Vaxxed: 9,255
And for the resident propagandists who were crying about the rate per 100 k
Unvaxxed: 57.83
Vaxxed: 81.37
Some of the vaxx whores on Reddit have stopped charting vaccine effectiveness against confirmed case because vaccine effectiveness has been negative for a couple of weeks now. You're more likely to get covid if you're vaccinated. But you go ahead and line up for that booster. Your thumping heart and clotted brain will thank you.
It reduces transmission wait no it doesn't
It reduces risk of being hospitalized...nope
It reduces risk of an ICU domino to fall
More cases per 100k 75% of hospitalizations are vaccinated 50% of ICU admissions and rising
The numbers are here:
The unvaccinated in Ontario are more likely to wind up needing hospital care, and far more likely to wind in in the ICU.
It appears some people are having trouble with the difference between a count and a rate. They are confused by the graphs above and the hospitalized/ICU pie charts at See if this helps:
If you have 10 jelly beans and 3 of them are red, and your friend has 100 jelly beans and 6 of them are red, then more of your jelly beans are red than his. Proportionally 30% of yours are red and only 6% of your friend's are.
Same with the covid numbers. The percentage of unvaxxed people in the hospital and ICU is way higher than the percentage of vaxxed people.
Hey faggot we're at 57% vaxxed vs 43% unvaxxed with 16 days to go.
2 weeks ago
I'd argue with you, probably, if I could see where you got those numbers. Since I can't, meh....