So that statement is hogwash, and in more than one way. The study is actually comparing infection from the Omicron variant to infection from the Delta variant: "Today we have published some early results from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey showing the characteristics of people more likely to be infected with the Omicron variant compared with the Delta variant." But it's no trouble to you to misrepresent it as comparing something else. And on top of that your own outdated version of the study says "It is too early to draw conclusions from our data on the effectiveness of vaccines against the Omicron variant." Not too early for V&C1 even if they could understand what they were reading.
As for your list of vaccinated people who have been infected: you continue to scream into the void that the vaccines should provide 100% protection. Well, they don't. Put on your adult pampers and deal with it. If you read your own link you would see the part where they tell you "Those who reported being vaccinated recently were generally less likely to test positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) than those who reported not being vaccinated"
And you finish with a speculative MSM article from mid 2021 about the Delta variant, which isn't around much these days, and a reassuring MSM article from the early days of Omicron - also in 2021 - that says "The pair are now resting at home with only very mild symptoms. All those who were in contact with the two men have been tested, with no positive results so far."
I suppose we should be pleased that you are now accepting results from 2021.
Everyone here sees you don’t understand statistics Tuchodi, you don’t understand math and you can’t even explain what the difference between absolute risk and relative risk is.
You admitted you just copy paste. A trained monkey does what you do.
You are the uneducated monkey who blindly fell for Pfizer and Murderna’s claim of 95% efficacy. You posted that claim on this forum and called it “science”. You had no idea the claim was relative reduce risk and much lower than natural immunity. All of us who understood math and science knew the vaccine had negative VE because we understood the math. But you don’t have the education to understand the content you post.
You dont understand if stats are adjusted, if raw data is excluded or if variables are hidden, you just copy paste a headline and admit you don’t understand the content. Strangely you, then post your uneducated opinion as if it mattered.
Your opinions are formed by others who do the adjusting and excluding for you. You probably still don’t understand what I just wrote.
You don’t even know the formula for age standardized rate, you don’t know the formula for ARR or RRR.
You posted that Pfizer and Murderna’s vaccine had a “95% efficacy”
You posted a fictitious computer projection model that cannot be reproduced in real life and you claim thats “science”.
You posted the CDC director’s lie that the vaccinated could not get infected with the virus, you copy pasted that claim here on this forum and claimed it was “science”.
You posted the April 2021 CDC propaganda when it claimed the vaccinated could not transmit the virus.
You posted the July 2021 CDC propaganda that claimed the fully vaccinated shouldn't have to wear masks.
It’s clear you still don’t understand why your asinine comment about Ontario hospitalization is mathematically impossible:
”One tenth of the population (1.4M) is occupying about one sixth of the ICU beds”.
~ TUCHODI, 2022, math illiterate and propagandist.
You even admitted you can’t use critical think. You said using critical think was quote “dangerous”.
Your propaganda is so ridiculous that even urallfucked didn’t change her mind. She is still booster free. And has been refusing her third injection for 7 months.
You of course won’t understand a word I just wrote, so you use the only counter argument your intellect can brandish: ad hominem. You are unable to understand math and science. Bet you don’t even understand the word ad hominem.
Since you admit unsupported opinions are worthless there doesn't seem to be much to respond to in this post, unless you want to provide an accurate quote instead of the manufactured one you've manipulated.
You really have no shame, do you?
After claiming repeatedly that data from 2021 is too old to be of use, you happily present a study and two MSM articles from 2021.
Furthermore the study you present is outdated. If you followed your own link you would get to the current analysis of the data where it states in plain English "Those who reported being vaccinated recently were generally less likely to test positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) than those who reported not being vaccinated, in the fortnight ending 7 May 2022."
So that statement is hogwash, and in more than one way. The study is actually comparing infection from the Omicron variant to infection from the Delta variant: "Today we have published some early results from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey showing the characteristics of people more likely to be infected with the Omicron variant compared with the Delta variant." But it's no trouble to you to misrepresent it as comparing something else. And on top of that your own outdated version of the study says "It is too early to draw conclusions from our data on the effectiveness of vaccines against the Omicron variant." Not too early for V&C1 even if they could understand what they were reading.
As for your list of vaccinated people who have been infected: you continue to scream into the void that the vaccines should provide 100% protection. Well, they don't. Put on your adult pampers and deal with it. If you read your own link you would see the part where they tell you "Those who reported being vaccinated recently were generally less likely to test positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) than those who reported not being vaccinated"
And you finish with a speculative MSM article from mid 2021 about the Delta variant, which isn't around much these days, and a reassuring MSM article from the early days of Omicron - also in 2021 - that says "The pair are now resting at home with only very mild symptoms. All those who were in contact with the two men have been tested, with no positive results so far."
I suppose we should be pleased that you are now accepting results from 2021.
Everyone here sees you don’t understand statistics Tuchodi, you don’t understand math and you can’t even explain what the difference between absolute risk and relative risk is.
You admitted you just copy paste. A trained monkey does what you do.
You are the uneducated monkey who blindly fell for Pfizer and Murderna’s claim of 95% efficacy. You posted that claim on this forum and called it “science”. You had no idea the claim was relative reduce risk and much lower than natural immunity. All of us who understood math and science knew the vaccine had negative VE because we understood the math. But you don’t have the education to understand the content you post.
You dont understand if stats are adjusted, if raw data is excluded or if variables are hidden, you just copy paste a headline and admit you don’t understand the content. Strangely you, then post your uneducated opinion as if it mattered.
Your opinions are formed by others who do the adjusting and excluding for you. You probably still don’t understand what I just wrote.
You don’t even know the formula for age standardized rate, you don’t know the formula for ARR or RRR.
You posted that Pfizer and Murderna’s vaccine had a “95% efficacy”
You posted a fictitious computer projection model that cannot be reproduced in real life and you claim thats “science”.
You posted the CDC director’s lie that the vaccinated could not get infected with the virus, you copy pasted that claim here on this forum and claimed it was “science”.
You posted the April 2021 CDC propaganda when it claimed the vaccinated could not transmit the virus.
You posted the July 2021 CDC propaganda that claimed the fully vaccinated shouldn't have to wear masks.
It’s clear you still don’t understand why your asinine comment about Ontario hospitalization is mathematically impossible:
~ TUCHODI, 2022, math illiterate and propagandist.
You even admitted you can’t use critical think. You said using critical think was quote “dangerous”.
Your propaganda is so ridiculous that even urallfucked didn’t change her mind. She is still booster free. And has been refusing her third injection for 7 months.
You of course won’t understand a word I just wrote, so you use the only counter argument your intellect can brandish: ad hominem. You are unable to understand math and science. Bet you don’t even understand the word ad hominem.
Since you admit unsupported opinions are worthless there doesn't seem to be much to respond to in this post, unless you want to provide an accurate quote instead of the manufactured one you've manipulated.