Your lying experts and your lying Pfizer CEO all promised the gullible retards getting the experimental mRNA, that they would not transmit the respiratory virus and would have 100% infection prevention from the respiratory virus.
Why do your experts lie so much TwoChodes?
Are you copy pasting a NewYork Slimes opinion writer?? Paul Kruegman LOL!
that’s the pervert who keeps getting caught with porn on his laptop then claims he got hacked every time he gets caught. This sick fuck is a laughing stock even to leftists. You are even sicker than I thought.
I think you're the only person who thinks it should prevent everyone from being infected.
Your lying experts and your lying Pfizer CEO all promised the gullible retards getting the experimental mRNA, that they would not transmit the respiratory virus and would have 100% infection prevention from the respiratory virus. Why do your experts lie so much TwoChodes?
“CDC Director declared: It’s official: Vaccinated people don’t transmit COVID-19”
She knew then, it was a lie. There was zero trial data on infection prevention or transmission.
CDC Director lying: “Vaccinated people don’t carry the virus”.
Fauci lying to MSNBC: “When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected”.
Biden lying to CNN: “You’re not going to get Covid if you get these vaccinations.”
the Pfizer CEO, was marketing his drug sand claimed that clinical data promised a 100% infection prevention of the covid respiratory virus.
Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize in Economics: "The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in 'Metcalfe's law' ... becomes apparent."
"By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's."
V&C1 2022: "pAul KruGMaN lied tO eVeRyonE!!!"
Holy shit
Are you copy pasting a NewYork Slimes opinion writer?? Paul Kruegman LOL!
that’s the pervert who keeps getting caught with porn on his laptop then claims he got hacked every time he gets caught. This sick fuck is a laughing stock even to leftists. You are even sicker than I thought.
. Keep exposing yourself as a far left radical,