But your personal opinion is worthless. Emotions are not fact Ultrafucked.
You spend all workday obsessively confirming your bias on Reddit and polluting this forum 24/7. You clearly don’t have a job. No employer would allow you to waste so much time online.
You are another useless Unemployed extreme leftist, mooching off hard working self employed conservatives i see.
Typical redditor. Go back to defending your Covid Nazi Pedophile
But your personal opinion is worthless. Emotions are not fact Ultrafucked.
You spend all workday obsessively confirming your bias on Reddit and polluting this forum 24/7. You clearly don’t have a job. No employer would allow you to waste so much time online. You are another useless Unemployed extreme leftist, mooching off hard working self employed conservatives i see.
Typical redditor. Go back to defending your Covid Nazi Pedophile