There needs to be Weight Mandates - which I will name the Tuchodi Mandates in favor of our favorite Fats. Fats account for 78 percent of covid deaths and hospitalizations. Without fats there would be no strain on the health care system. We need to force them to do the socially responsible thing and lose weight by excluding them from restaurants (obviously), jobs, planes and taxing them extra for their gluttonous strain on the health care system.
There needs to be Weight Mandates - which I will name the Tuchodi Mandates in favor of our favorite Fats. Fats account for 78 percent of covid deaths and hospitalizations. Without fats there would be no strain on the health care system. We need to force them to do the socially responsible thing and lose weight by excluding them from restaurants (obviously), jobs, planes and taxing them extra for their gluttonous strain on the health care system.
Exactly .
Olds and Fats. -> #1 and #2 key predictor of death.
u/tuchodi, is both. An Obese boomer, unemployed, triple masked, triple boosted and hates the young and healthy with a murderous rage.
As for masks, only the vaccinated want to bring them back.