Kronder12 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imagine being such a tuchidiot that he thinks this image is a lie, as if it were intended to be taken as truth. Leftists really have no sense of humour. This tuchidiot probably thinks that those images of Kamala as wonder woman are real.

Kronder12 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's funny. A judge who was apparently not properly appointed, and therefore lacked authority, held Brown in contempt because he pointed this out.

Sounds like a typical tuchidiot reaction from an insecure leftist.

Kronder12 1 point ago +1 / -0

The losers who supposedly trust the science and the government are willing to buy into idiotic conspiracy theories like you.

Kronder12 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wait, wait, folks - have you checked Reddit to see if your opinion is correct? - A Tuchidiot

Kronder12 1 point ago +1 / -0

This from a creature talking his imaginary folks.

Perhaps dementia? They say you are very old and fat. Cholesterol has a tendency to choke the blood vessels to the brain, which might explain a lot about you.

Anyway, do let me know if it was a fantasy when the vaxx turbo cancer starts gnawing at you. Of course you will probably rationalize and blame it on something else. No way you traded your life for a donut, right? You couldn't have been that much of a tuchidiot, right folks? Right?

Kronder12 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes but that does not make it less real. I bet you traded your future for a donut. What a tuchidiot thing to do.

All the best.

Kronder12 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would like to think so but the media is already shaping the narrative. Trump is divisive and inflammatory they say. CNN is shitting on him for saying "fight!" seconds after being shot. Before that they posted an article saying that the president had fallen, as if he had pulled a Biden and tripped. On Tik Tok tuchidiots are lamenting that the attempt failed.

Kronder12 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can see it's bothering you. Tick tock tick tock. It's going to hatch like the chest splitter in Alien. If you have time after your diagnosis, reflect on how did he know? And ask yourself, were you the tuchidiot all along? Hope you at least got a donut out of the deal.

All the best

Kronder12 1 point ago +1 / -0

A prediction. Please have the strength of character to let the folks know when it comes true.

Kronder12 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even now your programming requires you to use "folks" in your post. Yikes.

Maybe the turbo cancer has started in your brain?

All the best.

Kronder12 1 point ago +1 / -0


Its amazing how strict your programming is. Even when you know that your speech patterns expose your NPC programming, you can't come up with an alternative.

As well as the misogynistic idea that calling me a woman is some sort of insult

Truly a Tuchidiot.

Do try to find the time and energy to post once the turbo cancer hits. I am interested in your perspective on the vaxx then, and whether you will remain a true believer to the end. Call it research into NPC programming.

All the best.

Kronder12 1 point ago +1 / -0

Folks folks folks.

You are a parody of yourself. The only fantasy is you pretending that there isnt a turbo cancer waiting to blossom inside of you.

Kronder12 1 point ago +1 / -0

But but but folks....

Really, please do find the strength to come back and post when you start your final illness and let us know your thoughts about the vaxx.

All the best my little NPC bot.

Kronder12 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please let the folks know when you start your final critical illness and let us folks know if you are still a good believer in the vaxx. I personally hope that you will be a true believer to the end, partly for the lolz, but also because at least you will die with the comforting thought that the Pfizer gods approve of you.

Kronder12 1 point ago +1 / -0

And so what? If you were to buy penicillin or antibiotics from a vet, would they have a different formulation? Of course your would have to adjust for weight, but the point is they are human drugs regardless of who sells it. And veterinary drugs or in this case human drugs repurposed for animals adhere to high quality standards. Horses are expensive and no one wants to be sued for giving them bad medicine.

Kronder12 2 points ago +2 / -0

You become a literal joke when you spew the propaganda about ivermectin being horse paste. Ivermectin is a human drug used safely by millions of humans. Like most human drugs it can also have veterinary use. By your logic, penicillin is a horse med. It was labelled horse paste because it was a clever NLP method of shaping pyblic opinion against it. But the sheer dishonesty of this tactic should make you question what you have been told.

For your own sake. Purge yourself of the tuchidiocy that infects your mind.

Kronder12 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wouldnt call this stealing the election. This is the system that was put in place and they played by the rules. Its a stupid and counterproductive system however

Kronder12 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its over for him. I was in a store the other day and one clerk was telling the other about how Joe had read the word "Pause" in the teleprompter directions. He has become a subject of mockery and and these people were definitely lefties based on how they were dressed and where they worked, so if even they are making fun of him there is no going back.

Kronder12 2 points ago +2 / -0

The "doctors have no explanation for what happened"

Luckily the Tuchidiots will show up to reassure us that this was not vaxx related.

Good thing this man got a donut and a vaxx pass out of this deal. That's about what his life was worth to him, I guess.

Kronder12 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pryiam didnt even get a donut in exchange for their lives, just a stupid badge. That sounds like a tuchidiot deal.

Kronder12 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Ah ah: "folks"

He can't help himself.

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