Now that the US has declared that the covid emergency is over, does that mean that I can enter the US without being vaccinated? Does anyone know or have a link?


It is an established fact that 78 percent of all covid patients who died or required hospitalization were obese. Thus obesity is the leading cause of all the strain on the health care system. This risk does not go away with the vaxxine, even if the vaxx supposedly lowers your risk, fats remain at greater risk than their normal weight counter parts in either the vaxxed or unvaxxed categories.

Since gluttonous pigs will not help themselves or do the socially responsible thing, we need to help steer them towards making the right health choices for the good of everyone.

Specifically, it is a scientific fact that the following measures are needed. They are also morally justified. No fattie should be allowed to deny your grandma a hip replacement simply because their love of donuts has clogged their arteries and the health care system in these dire times of pandemic and fiscal difficulties.

I propose the following anti-fat mandates which I will call the Tuchodi Mandates in honor of our resident Fats:

  • Exclusion from restaurants - in addition to putting coercive social pressure to lose weight, keeping them away from the trough will actually cause some weight loss. It is for their good.

  • Exclusion from Planes - more corrective pressure telling them they have to lose weight. Plus fats take up more space and burn more fossil fuels. This will also be good for the environment.

  • Dismissal from jobs - In addition to putting pressure on them to lose weight so they can keep their jobs it is a fact that fats put a disproportionate strain on health plans. Why should the rest of us pay for their gluttony and self created problems.

  • Extra Taxes - In a socialized health system like ours, we all pay for Tuchidiotic health choices. It is time to make the culprits pay with an add on tax calculated on their BMI.

You see all of the arguments that the fat poltroons used to impose mandates on the unvaxxed actually work even better and are more evidence based on fats.

Now our Tuchodi will probably argue that what about the poor people who suffer from Cystic Fibrosis, cancer, MS. He will intentionally mix genetic diseases into the argument to distract from the fact that no - fatness as a stand alone comorbity accounts for 78 percent or more of all hospital costs associated with covid. This is an outrageous number and pales in comparison to the number of people with cystic fibrosis, for example.

Plus, I am not at all in favor of coercing those people whose illnesses are unpreventable or uncurable. We cannot cure Tuchidiocy, for example, and if stupidity were a leading cause of covid complications we would have to live with it.

But gluttony is a self imposed risk factor (just like the vaxxers argue that not taking the vaxx is socially irresponsible and a choice you cannot make). It is time to hold the Fats accountable for their socially irresponsible and cruel behavior which clogs the hospitals and puts us all at risk.

Mr. Tuchodi, eating donuts is a privilege, not a right!

I don't want the vaxx, but the growing restrictions are making my life shitty. Getting a vaxx exemption card would be great. Legally of course.

Any suggestions on how to go about this or even better any doctors willing to actually recommend a medical exemption. The doctor would have to be in Manitoba.

My current doctor is a cuck and there is no point in asking him.