Reminder that Tuchodi searches Facebook for medical opinions.
Tuchodi is a fat boomer still terrified of the flu that has a 99.9% survival rate.
This Medical Journal confirms that Tuchodi as a fat boomer, is a Covid 19 SuperSpreader. « This study’s findings indicate that the increased BMI and obesity convey an increased risk of infection for their contacts ».
Triple vaxed Fat Boomer Tuchodi is a contagion vector, she has infected and sent multiple fellow triple vaxed boomers to the ICU
Folks that will be the article with the 4 fat people that passed on the virus. Six and a half million people dead from the virus, but Vispatch911 doesn't think about them. She wants you to think about these four fat people that - as far as we know - didn't kill anybody.
Symptomatic obese adults were shown to spread influenza A virus 42% longer than nonobese adults. Even among paucisymptomatic and asymptomatic adults, obesity increased the influenza A shedding duration by 104%. These findings show that obesity plays an important role in influenza transmission.
Correlation between body mass index and COVID-19 transmission.
It is known that patients with obesity and influenza shed the virus for a significantly longer period of time than people who are lean [6], and that obesity creates a state of chronic inflammation which impairs the immune response and favors the emergence of new, more virulent influenza strains [7, 8].
Obesity and Risk for Intubation or Death in SARS-CoV-2 Infection.
2466 adults hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection over a 45-day period with at least 47 days of in-hospital observation.
Conclusion: Obesity is associated with increased risk for intubation or death.
Tuchodi, a fat triple vaxed double masked elderly boomer is at the HIGHEST RISk of DEATH, and terrified of the flu with 99.9% survival rate.
Apparently Vispatch911 is unaware that covid is not influenza folks. This is a 2018 study that looks at obesity as a health risk - which we all know to be generally true.
This, when you take the trouble to follow the links to the actual paper, turns out to be Vispatch911's favourite 4 fat people: "25% (4 of 16) of workers with obesity infected 2 or more coworkers" Over 6 million dead from covid, but Vispatch911 keeps circling back to these 4 people, but never let's us know whether they made anyone even seriously ill.
This one has an interesting observation: "Conclusion: Obesity is associated with increased risk for intubation or death from COVID-19 in adults younger than 65 years, but not in adults aged 65 years or older".
No news here folks - everyone knows obesity is one of many comorbidities that can complicate a covid infection and a bazillion other health challenges.
Reminder that Tuchodi searches Facebook for medical opinions.
Tuchodi is a fat boomer still terrified of the flu that has a 99.9% survival rate.
This Medical Journal confirms that Tuchodi as a fat boomer, is a Covid 19 SuperSpreader. « This study’s findings indicate that the increased BMI and obesity convey an increased risk of infection for their contacts ».
Triple vaxed Fat Boomer Tuchodi is a contagion vector, she has infected and sent multiple fellow triple vaxed boomers to the ICU
Folks that will be the article with the 4 fat people that passed on the virus. Six and a half million people dead from the virus, but Vispatch911 doesn't think about them. She wants you to think about these four fat people that - as far as we know - didn't kill anybody.
Tuchodi is a Science Denier. The science is settled Tuchodi, truth hurts your feelings eh fat boomer.
Fat people are Flu Super Spreaders
Tuchodi, a fat triple vaxed double masked elderly boomer is at the HIGHEST RISk of DEATH, and terrified of the flu with 99.9% survival rate.
Apparently Vispatch911 is unaware that covid is not influenza folks. This is a 2018 study that looks at obesity as a health risk - which we all know to be generally true.
This, when you take the trouble to follow the links to the actual paper, turns out to be Vispatch911's favourite 4 fat people: "25% (4 of 16) of workers with obesity infected 2 or more coworkers" Over 6 million dead from covid, but Vispatch911 keeps circling back to these 4 people, but never let's us know whether they made anyone even seriously ill.
This one has an interesting observation: "Conclusion: Obesity is associated with increased risk for intubation or death from COVID-19 in adults younger than 65 years, but not in adults aged 65 years or older".
No news here folks - everyone knows obesity is one of many comorbidities that can complicate a covid infection and a bazillion other health challenges.
In summary of the Science:
Being fat and old makes Tuchodi a Super Spreader.
And you have the highest risk of death from the sniffles.