A total of more than two million vaccines have been administered in the province, putting the incidence at roughly 0.06 per cent.
As of Jan 27, 2023, there were 97,102,500 covid vaccines administered in Canada. At a .06% incidence rate that would put the Canadian adverse reaction number at about 58,262.
Then consider that if most of the people that got the vaccine exercised instead, they wouldn’t even need this vaccine and could have avoided so much unnecessary suffering.
Wrong again. The article defines what is considered serious:
An event is considered serious if it: Results in death.
More than 250 of the cases were serious.
More than 1,000 New Brunswickers have had an adverse reaction after getting a COVID-19 vaccine, and more than a quarter of them were considered "serious," according to the Department of Health.
No-Proof-Needed Bullshitmeharder has entered the chat folks.
It’s in the article:
As of Jan 27, 2023, there were 97,102,500 covid vaccines administered in Canada. At a .06% incidence rate that would put the Canadian adverse reaction number at about 58,262.
Then consider that if most of the people that got the vaccine exercised instead, they wouldn’t even need this vaccine and could have avoided so much unnecessary suffering.
The article says "more than two million vaccines have been administered in the province".
It mentions NO deaths.
But 773 people have died of covid: https://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Departments/eco-bce/Promo/covid-19/report-rapport/covid-report-2023-week-3.pdf
Apparently ScoobyDoo thinks dying from the virus is a better outcome than living through vaccination.
But none by vaccine.
The evidence is that the risk from the virus is far greater than the risk from vaccines. For example: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#rates-by-vaccine-status
Almost seven million people have died of the virus and many many millions more have taken up space in hospitals as they fought it.
Bullshitmeharder provides no evidence that damage from the vaccine even remotely compares.
Wrong again. The article defines what is considered serious:
More than 250 of the cases were serious.
Folks, she would like the news article to say someone in New Brunswick died from a covid vaccine. But it does not.
But 773 people in New Brunswick have died of covid: https://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Departments/eco-bce/Promo/covid-19/report-rapport/covid-report-2023-week-3.pdf