posted ago by Kokonnnutz ago by Kokonnnutz +3 / -2

None of this is real. None of this is productive or meaningful.

We are all being tricked. All being monitored. We all are just digging our own graves deeper. Gleefully.

No one dare hint at anything that can actually make a differences aside from vote for polivere. He will save us from the government.

Im convinced this whole things is just to stir up a situation. Dont get sucked in dont play stupid games. Domt say anything you would not like to be interrogated about by fed.

Funny posts about covid or whatever. Its not changing anyone's mind and its not making any difference. The vaxed are vaxed the unvaxed aren't.

Just a bunch of hens clucking in an echo chamber. Keep thinking your big bad tuff guys as society crumbles around you.

Realise that all this is being tracked. Profiles for each and every one of you fucking biggots. Hateful racist radical extremists. It's logged. Noted. And flagged.

Its pointless. Do you really think the moderators of this are even conservative? Whould that even make a difference? What if they arent? What if you are all being played? Or even worse what if this is all a creation made by the very thing you actually oppose?

Your IP adress is attached to everything you post.

Conservatives, liberals, two sides of the same idiotic coin.

Im out. Ill stick around to see your comments and ridicule at this post. But I mean come on wake up. This is Canada. Not your idealic dream.

God save us.