An hour and a half of only one side of the hydroxychloroquine discussion.
No mention of the research that showed early use of it to be ineffective: "Conclusion:
Hydroxychloroquine did not substantially reduce symptom severity in outpatients with early, mild COVID-19."
"the largest outpatient therapeutic trial of hydroxychloroquine published to date. Like dozens of smaller trials published before, it failed to demonstrate any benefit to hydroxychloroquine in preventing progression of COVID-19 among outpatients with initially mild COVID-19"
Completely biased.
An hour and a half of only one side of the hydroxychloroquine discussion.
No mention of the research that showed early use of it to be ineffective: "Conclusion: Hydroxychloroquine did not substantially reduce symptom severity in outpatients with early, mild COVID-19."
"the largest outpatient therapeutic trial of hydroxychloroquine published to date. Like dozens of smaller trials published before, it failed to demonstrate any benefit to hydroxychloroquine in preventing progression of COVID-19 among outpatients with initially mild COVID-19"
Awesome anonymous opinion from a biased fully vaccinated Leftist who admits being injured by the forced medical experiment
More fan fiction from the impostor folks.
It's kinda touching that she spends time thinking up stuff about me.