An hour and a half of only one side of the hydroxychloroquine discussion.
No mention of the research that showed early use of it to be ineffective: "Conclusion:
Hydroxychloroquine did not substantially reduce symptom severity in outpatients with early, mild COVID-19."
"the largest outpatient therapeutic trial of hydroxychloroquine published to date. Like dozens of smaller trials published before, it failed to demonstrate any benefit to hydroxychloroquine in preventing progression of COVID-19 among outpatients with initially mild COVID-19"
Completely biased.
An hour and a half of only one side of the hydroxychloroquine discussion.
No mention of the research that showed early use of it to be ineffective: "Conclusion: Hydroxychloroquine did not substantially reduce symptom severity in outpatients with early, mild COVID-19."
"the largest outpatient therapeutic trial of hydroxychloroquine published to date. Like dozens of smaller trials published before, it failed to demonstrate any benefit to hydroxychloroquine in preventing progression of COVID-19 among outpatients with initially mild COVID-19"