I thought it would be fun if we all shared our story for why we were banned from r/Canada or r/CanadaPolitics
I was banned from r/Canada for this post:
"Ah, you're finally catching onto the fact that equality is just sanctioned oppression against competent cis gendered straight white males."
This was in relation to someone's comment about how indigenous get special treatment in Canada and that Canadians don't actually want true equality.
I asked the mods what rule I violated and this was their response:
"Considering you don't want anyone to be 'equal' to 'cis gendered straight white males' then the answer is pretty obvious. You're a white supremacist."
I was banned from both for being centre left, pro multiracialism, have friends of all races, BUT against multiculturalism. I would discuss the dangers of importing Islam without integration and how Islamic theocratic values are the polar opposite of everything the left fought decades for and are diametrically opposed to everything that created the Western world. I would also discuss my growing distress and frustrations with the rise of "Regressive Leftism/Intersectionality" which is now mostly acknowledge as the Woke religion/cult based on far left politics.
Well fuck them, I love the Western world. This bullshit has influenced me to vote for right leaning parties until these Woke banned happy zealots are completely out of influence and power. Even then... how could I come to trust the parties that allowed this shit to fester so badly within?