I've been banned like 50000000 times, you unoriginal weapons-grade retard.
You think being banned from an extremist website like reddit means anything to normal people? That's actually like a standard in your mind that you hold people to?
"DIDN'T U GET LYK BANNED FROM REDDIT LEL?" I mean who literally gives a fuck about that except people who have no life except the internet?
But you're here still. What does that say about you? Fragile fuckboy.
Didn’t you get continually banned on Reddit too fagpigy? LOL
Welcome to the crying circle jerk fragile white incel!
I've been banned like 50000000 times, you unoriginal weapons-grade retard.
You think being banned from an extremist website like reddit means anything to normal people? That's actually like a standard in your mind that you hold people to?
"DIDN'T U GET LYK BANNED FROM REDDIT LEL?" I mean who literally gives a fuck about that except people who have no life except the internet?
Your life is sad, eat less soy.
Okay fagpigy ?