I'm kinda torn, as it's trivial, childish, and stupid enough to justiify a LOL, not a firing but OTOH I hate Pakistanis? Is that racism? I mean, I don't mind Bangladeshis very much, and they're Muslim people of the same genetic background and share my hate: which mostly stems from the evil of the Pakistani Government over the years...
I'm kinda torn, as it's trivial, childish, and stupid enough to justiify a LOL, not a firing but OTOH I hate Pakistanis? Is that racism? I mean, I don't mind Bangladeshis very much, and they're Muslim people of the same genetic background and share my hate: which mostly stems from the evil of the Pakistani Government over the years...
It was a female Pakistani waitress who wrote "Chinky" on a Chinese family's bill. It wasn't a mixup of Pakistani-Chinese.
That makes it even funnier!!
I see Reddit’s finest have made its way here
Snowflakes usually trigger when you call out their lack of reading ability.go cry on orange daddy’s shoulder.
"all muslim chats are defacto pedo chats, sorry I don't communicate with pedos!"
Checked the news, another shooting or 3. Statement checks out ?
Did they assume the server's gender!?
Arel they male or female balls?