Seeing comments on the cbc and elsewhere there appears to no hope for the average Canadian retard. Communities like this one are tiny and aren't found elsewhere. Compare with USA for example and although the majority are brainwashed covidiots, there is a large chunk of the population that isn't and that translates into many millions of free thinking skeptics. Seems to me that Canada and Germany are the most brainwashed western nations but Canada has, in sheer numbers, the smallest count of non-conformists by far.
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This perception of Canadians being cucks is not necessarily true. 33% of registered Canadian voters did not vote in 2019 and if you look, nearly 1% of votes cast were spoiled ballots. There's people like me who fucking hate SJWs but who aren't socially conservative and so they will never vote Tory even if they won't vote Liberal or NDP either. A lot of young people especially don't vote. We largely realize that politics is a scam and politicians are there mostly to enrich themselves and their family and inner circle. Rather than to serve the public.
If I started my own political party that I feel would resonate with my generation more (this idea that millennials are mostly SJWs is bullshit. Only the ones who vote are majority Liberal/NDP. Most of us don't vote), I'd be thrown in jail for "hate speech" or Antifa would firebomb my house or carbomb me. So as long as the culture is sick and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms was written by Pierre Trudeau (which includes inciting hatred as not protected speech. Which is totally up to the judge's interpretation), Canadian politics is a scam.
Reddit might make you feel otherwise but the truth is a lot of young people are sick of the media shaming us for wanting to have a social life and fuck people during COVID. As well as continue our schooling, further our careers. Sick of people expecting us to sacrifice our lives for the elderly and sick. Millennials and zoomers are low-key small-l libertarians. It's just most of us don't vote so people assume we're SJWs.
This is encouraging to hear.