Good. This mean that the police are doing their job. Proportionately, Blacks commit ten times more crime. They are more likely a member of criminal gangs and more likely to hang out in high-crime areas.
The left, and so the CBC, use selective statistics to make politically correct groups appear to be oppressed. Note this report show that other races with low crime are not stopped more frequently. So police question potential criminals. There is no evidence that they use race.
The media deliberately conflates equality and equity. It's a divide and conquer strategy of propaganda by the elite to keep the masses illusioned but content enough to not revolt against them.
Good. This mean that the police are doing their job. Proportionately, Blacks commit ten times more crime. They are more likely a member of criminal gangs and more likely to hang out in high-crime areas.
The left, and so the CBC, use selective statistics to make politically correct groups appear to be oppressed. Note this report show that other races with low crime are not stopped more frequently. So police question potential criminals. There is no evidence that they use race.
The media deliberately conflates equality and equity. It's a divide and conquer strategy of propaganda by the elite to keep the masses illusioned but content enough to not revolt against them.
They are also more likely to give cops a shitty attitude and resist.