I looked at this guys twitter, he literally does nothing but tweet about Trump and the GOP, all day every day. Imagine making it a full time career being butthurt that Hillary lost.
"And then I had a little Red Wedding moment of panic"
For fucks sake, lets not turn game of thrones into the new go-to reference for retards like Harry Potter did. "OMG TRUMP IS JUST LIKE THE NIGHT KING AND IM LIKE JON SNOW AND MY GF IS LIKE DAENERYS AND MY ANTIFA GROUP ARE LIKE THE STARK FAMILY"
Those idiots seem to have gained their entire understanding of the world through pop culture and the unhinged ramblings of teachers who also only got their world view through pop culture.
They have no understanding of history, of separation of powers, of acting ethically, of human nature, of what drives humans, nothing at all.
The blind leading the blind.
They're all so superficial and downright boring with their predictable opinions and child like views of the world.
I looked at this guys twitter, he literally does nothing but tweet about Trump and the GOP, all day every day. Imagine making it a full time career being butthurt that Hillary lost.
"And then I had a little Red Wedding moment of panic" For fucks sake, lets not turn game of thrones into the new go-to reference for retards like Harry Potter did. "OMG TRUMP IS JUST LIKE THE NIGHT KING AND IM LIKE JON SNOW AND MY GF IS LIKE DAENERYS AND MY ANTIFA GROUP ARE LIKE THE STARK FAMILY"
Those idiots seem to have gained their entire understanding of the world through pop culture and the unhinged ramblings of teachers who also only got their world view through pop culture.
They have no understanding of history, of separation of powers, of acting ethically, of human nature, of what drives humans, nothing at all.
The blind leading the blind.
They're all so superficial and downright boring with their predictable opinions and child like views of the world.
Thank God covid struck the gunman down before he could harm the president
Didn't have a mask