For sure... this place might be quiet but it will get better, and it's miles better than posting on a site where thoughts get silenced if they are too controversial for fragile reddit minds.
The crowd of degenerates over here is way more tolerable and interesting than the crowd of hiveminded cucks over there.
I spent my first week just poking around and blah blah, and I know internet points are fake and gay, but as an experiment I tried to get my post/comment karma to combined 2000 with as close of a 1:1 ratio, and I was only off by less than 50 votes.
I think if we all do this, that's the simple foundation. The content will do all of the work.
u/woodenboatguy lol when am I gonna start making predictions again? :P
Porn. Lots and lots of quality porn is how you grow an internet site.
I have a webcam
I have mayo and a hamster. O, wrong thread. Sorry.
For sure... this place might be quiet but it will get better, and it's miles better than posting on a site where thoughts get silenced if they are too controversial for fragile reddit minds.
The crowd of degenerates over here is way more tolerable and interesting than the crowd of hiveminded cucks over there.
I spent my first week just poking around and blah blah, and I know internet points are fake and gay, but as an experiment I tried to get my post/comment karma to combined 2000 with as close of a 1:1 ratio, and I was only off by less than 50 votes.
I think if we all do this, that's the simple foundation. The content will do all of the work.
u/woodenboatguy lol when am I gonna start making predictions again? :P
stop being a bunch of fragile white faggots would be a good start
trying to fagtag?