I spent my first week just poking around and blah blah, and I know internet points are fake and gay, but as an experiment I tried to get my post/comment karma to combined 2000 with as close of a 1:1 ratio, and I was only off by less than 50 votes.
I think if we all do this, that's the simple foundation. The content will do all of the work.
u/woodenboatguy lol when am I gonna start making predictions again? :P
I spent my first week just poking around and blah blah, and I know internet points are fake and gay, but as an experiment I tried to get my post/comment karma to combined 2000 with as close of a 1:1 ratio, and I was only off by less than 50 votes.
I think if we all do this, that's the simple foundation. The content will do all of the work.
u/woodenboatguy lol when am I gonna start making predictions again? :P