posted ago by flanders ago by flanders +19 / -0

Balkanization, where the provinces secede from Confederation, a massive civil war in large urban areas, or a Starship Troopers styled takeover by the military where they depose the incompetent politicians and enact a more ordered society?

Speaking of breakups, I remember trying to debate with an /r/Canada xerson about how the West should separate. Xe'd continuously say "bUt iT'S TrEaSoN, tHeY'D NeVeR AlLoW It", they being Ottawa.

And I'd say "right, but if they're leaving, why do they give a fuck about what Ottawa says?". Xis retort? "ItS tReAsOn", over and fucking over.

Anyways, I'm for a mix of all three, because guns are cool, pissing off ottawa is cool, and seeing fighter jets bombing toronto would be cool, too.

Also, this sub is really dead at times. What gives?