Brampton is full of scammers. Illegal basement apartments. Multi-families in single family dwellings to gain the system. International students working cash jobs and getting citizenship from strip mall universities. Rampant auto insurance fruad and healthcare fraud that causes the whole system to suffer. It is a shithole and getting worse by the day, but if you point any of this out you will be labeled racist as the population is 76% non White and they mostly are from the scammer capital of the world.
Brampton is full of scammers. Illegal basement apartments. Multi-families in single family dwellings to gain the system. International students working cash jobs and getting citizenship from strip mall universities. Rampant auto insurance fruad and healthcare fraud that causes the whole system to suffer. It is a shithole and getting worse by the day, but if you point any of this out you will be labeled racist as the population is 76% non White and they mostly are from the scammer capital of the world.