Does that mean he’ll shine cartoons on parliament like the French in defiance of the “not Muslims” (lslamists they call them) who commit these crimes?
Of course not. He will give in to terror demands, and conveniently say “banning free speech sucks, but...”
Cool to know. I can see that it’s not that useful though.
Maybe the big guys do a low level analysis and could share stats? I can’t imagine they dont do some analysis themselves....
Can you do a Log analysis? You should be able to get decent stats that way.
She’s starting to tattoo her face too!
Cons keep acting like if they do as told the CBC will reward them with fair coverage.
Joke’s on them. By the time they get CBC coverage they’re defending Liberal policies!
I remember being taught that “rolling eyes” at some stupid comment or other was a few levels removed from violent rape and murder. ?
This training isn’t authenticity trying to help, it just reinforces the power structures of those in charge.
Why do you guys care?
Counting whitey in a flyer is like counting penises in government. Useless.
Unless you’re claiming the demographics of a magazine/ government should match the population? In which case you probably do count dongs!
Please, continue...
You guys know Trudeau is preparing for his moment on the international stage, right?
He will speak on election night to say “international community watches and waits wait for ALL votes to be counted” as the democrats have told him to.
Then, weeks later when the mail scam is completed, Justin will be quick to recognize Biden as winner, even if US courts have not.
It’s not just him. New Zealand’s Arden and other western nations are being lined up to support the coup.
Trump will dampen Trudeau’s “green global depression”. Biden will hasten it.
the facility is contingent on funding from the provincial and federal governments that has not yet been secured, CBU president David Dingwall said Monday.
The CBC is running the story (and Uni is using dead guys name) to force the government to fund the new building. The fat women in charge is to show how ironically white/woke it will be.
Money printer go brrrr.
It’s about destroying our culture and replacing it. 1984 style.
“Baby it’s cold outside” reinforces heterosexual couples strong males, coy females, and Christmas. They want to destroy all of that.
WAP is just plain degeneracy: the new “culture”.
4 Chan is like a bathroom wall: Uncensored and unattributable.
I tried to debunk what I can. Sadly, some is true.
I learned everything I know from your mom. Clearly it shows.
Not interested in moving to Toronto.
Pouring good milk down the drain while food bank demand grows matters.
Picking one Quebec industry to shelter from the world while every other industry must compete matters.
Putting the needs of a few rich milk families before 10s of thousands of oil workers in trade negotiations matters.
As for asking for unanimous consent? Political theatre.
Your awareness of parliamentary procedure and political grandstanding: 0/10.
You guys joke, but that’s their final solution for us all:
They declare wrongthink a mental illness and then a quack takes your rights away “for your own good” (like they did to the native children.)
Make no mistake. The corona pandemic is them testing their limits.
He’s with her! Makes sense.
Who gets to define “pure conservatism”? You?
Besides, I’m not interested in “pure conservatism”. I’m not even sure it exists.
What I do know is that Bernier is a classical Liberal... and that’s ok with me...
Good ideas and good leaders matter - not old labels that aren’t even universal.
Quite often the strains mutate in the wild and the flu shot is useless.
Not something anyone “needs” unless your employer compels you to inject it.
The Flu shot isn’t a cure for “the flu” that needs an annual boost. It’s inoculation against a random selection of this years most popular viruses.
No guarantee it works.
“Good policies and good leaders” wasn’t an allusion to Max and ppc.
The fact you thought it was shows Max is living rent-free in your head!
Health Canada is run by morons.
a single inspection involves 1,500 kilometers of air travel and 200 kilometers of ground travel... , on average
Why not hire locals instead?
NDP and Green “split the vote” too. Who cares.
Maybe the cons need good leaders and good policies rather than more excuses.
It’s becoming compelled speech in some corporate and government settings.
The false outrage at the word “wife/husband” is just one more way they are decaying and replacing our history and traditions.
Good point.
May’s not much of a leader though, to be fair.
Agreed that Biden would makes Canadians more “at ease” with a conservative. But...
If Trudeau and Biden are both in power they can dismantle our energy independence in 1 term. Venezuela in 5 years.
Go Trump!