I've been in tune with AJ for over 20 yrs. I've found his commentary to be very intuitive and perceptive with regards to past, current and future events. On a micro level it's easy to see him as a lunatic and a nut job; however; at a macro level his commentary is, sadly, very close to reality Anyone with a open mind shouldn't dismiss what he has to comment on AJ has had a lot of his predictions come true
I mean my horror at these images of a woman being burnt alive in #NoisyLeSec. We are facing barbarians.
If a policy of surge in the face of ultra-violence does not intervene quickly, our country will fall into chaos with incalculable consequences. MLP
People are waking up here in the Okanagan too. The more folks I talk to around town and on job sites the more I'm impressed with how tuned in people are and sick of all the lies and bullshit coming out of the government and media
According to the Proud Boys Manifesto, The 10 ways are:
– “Abolish Prisons” because there are too many “human beings” in “cages.” – “Give Everyone A Gun” because “mostly bad guys have guns, but good guys need them too. This will help prevent crime.” – “Legalize Drugs” because “the drug war is a failure” and is only creating more prisoners. – “End Welfare” because it has “shattered families” by incentivizing women to leave their husbands. – “Close the Borders” because “we need to build a wall and encourage assimilation” and patriotism. – “Outlaw Censorship” because “The West has thrived with the checks and balances open discussion provides. Without it, fascism thrives.” – “Venerate the Housewife” because “Proud Boys are encouraged to put a ring on it and knock her up.” – “Glorify the Entrepreneur” because they made many sacrifices and they are the ones “who got us here.” – “Recognize the West is the Best” because “we fought hard to be #1 and we won. All other cultures are not merely different than us. They are worse.” – “Shut down the Government” because they “rob us of our hard-earned wages” and no one else needs to be in control of another man’s freedom and destiny.
Nuremberg 2.0