Berezin 5 points ago +5 / -0

underrated post

Berezin 3 points ago +3 / -0

When CPC act like Liberals, they always fucking lose.

Save Mulroney, but that doesn't exactly change your point lmao

Berezin 0 points ago +1 / -1

This is 100% accurate. Ham isn't a fundamentally unreasonable person, he just has gotten overly sensitive to certain stimuli over time to the point where he comes running in whenever you ring the bell. Sometimes he tries to ring the bell himself.

I really have no problem that there are CPC mods or members of the community. Just because I would rather throw my already-worthless lot in with MB doesn't mean I am some kind of PPC natsoc shill.

Ham vacillates between tolerable Gen X conservatism and full-on Kinsella Daisy Mode. I don't entirely blame him, because he is somewhat correct; every political movement has their awkward constituency that they don't want to talk about, but that they also cannot afford to alienate. In the modern CPC, it's socons, for example. For the LPC, it's corporate Canada. For the NDP, it's basically every constituent part of their coalition. "PPC" basedbois, some of whom are no doubt genuine and others most certainly Kinsellabots, do mercilessly troll him, and often with low-effort and intentionally virulent stuff.

But the problem is how the jannies react. They take the bait every time, and seem to try to intentionally set traps to trigger the "PPC" basedboi crew into misbehaviour so they can say "see, we were right, you guys were guilty by association the whole time. Vote O'Toole."

While I'm already balls deep, it's also undeniable that party functionaries (and their servants) are monitoring this board. The NDP and their antifaschistischer schutztrupp are probably imaging this board and scooping IPs; the Tories are trying to shepherd their stray flock back into the fold; the Liberals are looking to undermine this place and others like it, especially if the CPC threatens to regain control of the narrative; CPC advisers are billing the party for "consultation work,"; whatever online staff the PPC have are probably putting their thumbs on the scale, too. Meanwhile, your typical state agencies, Discord Trots, and the general tech surveillance superstructure are probably monitoring and cataloguing every single .win domain, this one included.

Perhaps I am exaggerating. But it is best to proceed with caution under these assumptions.

Berezin 7 points ago +7 / -0

I looked it up, you're 100% correct. Weird af

Berezin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isn't that a different Chris Watts?

versus this guy

Am I missing an obvious joke?

Berezin 16 points ago +16 / -0

Clockwise from top left:

  1. Nonsense Orange Man Bad guilt by association story four months after he left office
  2. Discussion about public health messaging used as meta-advertisement for mass vaccination campaign
  3. Story intended to provoke negative reaction towards entitled coastal elite mayor used as meta-advertisement for mass vaccination campaign
  4. globohomo sex show for kids
  5. another bullshit COVID story
  6. sports story which less than 0.1% of the national population is familiar with or cares about