Butttoucha9k 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you see how you haven't proven anything and you're just making shit up to fit the quarter truths you choose to believe? It's a sign it's all made up nonsense, just like your claim about vaccines reducing childhood deaths.

Butttoucha9k 2 points ago +2 / -0

You said the 50s and 60s. Thats after 1928. Do you think the discovery magically makes it viable producable and immediately available to the general public, especially in more rural areas? So you're retarded than. Got it.

The car was invented in the 1880s. We didn't see widespread adoption until the 30s, and rural areas would be farther behind for logistics and Healthcare.

Im sorry your parents raised you the way they did. You needed better patents.

Butttoucha9k 5 points ago +5 / -0

You're about as wring as possible and probably have magenta hair. The numbers dropped drastically due to penicillin being discovered and available, and the expansion of fast personal vehicle ownership to allow for quick response times to emergencies.

SIDS didn't exist before childhood vaccinations. Japan stopped vaccinating before 2. They have no sids or autism or chronic allergy issues. The Amish do not vaccinate. They have no sids or autism or chronic allergy issues. In indigenous tribes we see large spikes of these things once vaccination becomes normal. These aren't "ancient numbers" or any other ridiculous response. These are modern today statistics.

Butttoucha9k 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you think the hart cellar act didn't effect canadian policy you are a moron.



You bring up the US demographics to what... prove my point? What was it in 1984? 1994? Even 2004? The replacement is REAL and it is FAST and you are a willing participant. You are an enemy of your own people, a traitorous cuck weakling, and will be put down like a dog.

Butttoucha9k 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, it isn't. That is a lie that has been sold to you to reduce community identity and increase power in the hands of a few.

We are a white, Christian, European nation. They forced segregation at gunpoint. They forced the hartcellars immigrationcact through with lies and placations. They began selling the idea of a melting pot during the 70s when we went from a consensus political environment to a hypernormalisation one. The term was coined by a jew at the turn if the century who was a zionist sabbataean. We are a melting pot of EUROPEAN cultures. That breeds a high trust society because european cultures share religion, genetics, and custom. When you add other cultures in, no matter how nice the individual or how good his kebabs are, you introduce conflict. Miscommunication, misunderstanding, different outlook and perspectives on baseline cultural norms. This causes a low trust society and dooms the culture. Look around you. Where is the call for anywhere other than white European nations to be invaded by other places? Why isn't china or India or cambodia or Vietnam or Saudi Arabia or ISRAEL taking refugees or funding these idiotic suicide plans? Why?

Butttoucha9k 4 points ago +4 / -0

Except this only works with ETHNICALLY AND CULTURALLY HOMOGENOUS SOCIETY WITH BORDER CONTROL. If you apply social pressure without legal pressure in a high trust society it is effective and fair. In a low trust society you have to rely on the law to enforce universal laws on individual situations which always ends in injustice.

If you apply the Portugal approach in only a portion of a nation then you get drug users and dealers flocking there and imbalance the local environment. See the west coast nonsense.