CanadianRighty 1 point ago +1 / -0

Folk, you want proof? Okay folk but first I’ll ask you a question.

Would it matter if I proved you wrong on every single point we disagree on, or would you always defend the Liberals regardless of how corrupt they become?

Here is a video where at 25 seconds in Trudeau says “some people say it was makeup. It wasn’t. It was blackface and that’s just not right.”

At 1:07 a reporter asks how many times he’s worn blackface he replies “I’m weary of uh uh uh uh.. being uh uh definitive about this because uh uh… the pictures uh uh”


He specifically calls it a racist act and apologizes profusely.

I don’t know of a single racist conservative in real life. I don’t know anyone else in Canada who ever wore blackface, let alone any conservatives.

He called himself a racist and you support him.

Fucking figure it out folk.

CanadianRighty 1 point ago +1 / -0

You support a man who admitted to covering his body in black paint head to toe on more occasions than he can count to mock black people.

You are a racist Nazi.

Everything you say is just noise. We don’t listen to Nazis like you.

CanadianRighty 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh you were too confused to point out what you wanted proof for.

I thought you didn't believe the Liberal Party medical disinformation that immunity from the vaccine is "just like a phone battery".

Of course you believe that unscientific battery nonsense, since your political masters said it.

I know you will refuse to post a source backing up the political coercion battery drivel.

"However, a shorter interval of at least [three] months may be warranted in the context of heightened epidemiologic risk, as well as operational considerations for the efficient deployment of the program."

According to this article and NACI your "battery" runs out at 3, 5 or 6 months, it's basically as many as they can convince you to take.

I'd recommend you "plug in" whenever your battery drops to 50%.


CanadianRighty 4 points ago +4 / -0

Maybe go get a top up at 1.5 months when your vaccine battery like protection is down to 50%.

Liberals have announced as medical fact, that vax protection wanes like a phone battery.

Aren’t you keeping up with Liberal Party science?

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, it’s not unsubstantiated opinion.

We’re at the top of every list in the link you posted, of the least racist countries in the entire world.

Out of hundreds of countries.

Vastly higher on the list than Singh’s family’s native country.

Canada should be praised by Mr. Singh, not condemned as racist because of isolated incidents.

It’s fair to point out faults, it’s fair to point to incidents, but it’s utter bullshit to try and paint Canada as a racist country.

Canada is not a racist country. You and Mr Sing are liars.

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your link proves my point.

No other country in the history of the world is less racist than Canada, yet we’ve got champagne socialist indicting the populace as racist.

He should take our culture that generated the least racist country ever and spread it around the world instead of trashing us.

He’s an entitled arrogant prick, like virtually all leftists.

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why is it these retards yipyap about the freedom movement being Nazi and white supremacy.

It’s a known fact that the unvaccinated are disproportionately minorities.

Liberals call minority disparate outcomes institutional racism.

Except when they are doing the discrimination.

In that case the people discriminated against are racist misogynists who take up space and shouldn’t be tolerated.

Liberals absolutely terrible people.

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

More American politics in a desperate attempt to cover for Liberal Party scandal and crimes.

CanadianRighty 4 points ago +4 / -0

You’re a huge fan of Nazi policy- your leader paraphrased Hitler and was admonished the world over.

The thing is you are exactly what you accuse your opponents of.

You’re a massive idiot.

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a Canadian board, why do you keep posting about American politics here

CanadianRighty 5 points ago +5 / -0

How about one what will trigger the leftists:

Kill the pedophile groomers

CanadianRighty 4 points ago +4 / -0

Let me get this straight- you’re calling me a liar for posting a video of Pfizer admitting they didn’t study if vaccines affect transmission.

And your position is the vaccines prevent transmission?

Fuck these mandate nazi’s are mental retards.

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Urinesoaked thinks trying to de-escalate is “battling for the other side”

That’s because he has an NPC brain that always follows instructions from boomer targeted msm.

CanadianRighty 1 point ago +1 / -0

So Pfizer did test the vaccine for transmissibility?

That’s weird since they’ve testified they haven’t.

Wasn’t needed for your microscopic brain; I know.

Btw you really are a Nazi. It’s who you’ve always been. You should be dealt with accordingly.

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Liberals call us fascist for being against their collectivism.

Yet in pushing their agenda they treat the law as a roadblock to be circumvented rather than respected.

Thankfully the only cohort they’re popular with is the MSM brainwashed 65+ crowd.

Can’t wait for the cultural pendulum swing back.

CanadianRighty 1 point ago +1 / -0

"The Privy Council Office on the same day as the November 20 trademark hearing published a garbled Order In Council on its website implying the Act was in force. It wasn’t. The notice included a “date modified” entry of April 31, 2017. There are not 31 days in April."

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol “natural healing oils”

It’s hilarious that it’s so utterly brain dead that it “thinks” the immune system is snake oil.

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had the clotshot and covid it was nothing, my unvaxxed brother-in-law had the exact same experience.

My unvaxxed kid didn’t even get a sniffle from covid.

The vax might help some old people and some ultra-fat/sick people (doubtful, but idk), healthy young people obviously don’t need that shit.

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