deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
CowboyLogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

It isn't locking down the playgrounds that set them off, it was allowing the police to stop and question people. Anything close to "carding" is no bueno for leftists.

Either way, Doug Ford is a complete moron. They were always going to turn on him at some point, no matter what he did.

CowboyLogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone I know that lives in Toronto are starting to move, so all the liberals are going to spread out to all those communities too. The thing with Torontonians is that they are addicted to citylife, so when they decide to escape the big city, they just move to a smaller city (i.e. like with Hamilton) and ruin it.

Recently, these two liberal weirdos made an app called something like 90MinutesFromToronto, for Torontonians that are fleeing the city, so based on that, try to move 180 minutes from Toronto to be safe.

CowboyLogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's actually good. This way, they can move to all the lamest small towns, that have shit like Pride and BLM, and they'll leave the normal ones alone.