Gender theory has been disproven over the last several decades by every experiment made by it's proponents without exception. Look at the Reimer brothers case which was an unethical experiment by gender theorist John Mooney that generated years' worth of fraudulent reports misrepresenting the experiments results and lead to the suicide of both brothers. Or the mass-experiments in Finland and other Nordic countries where they would push opposite gender roles on babies, toddlers and children only to find that boys were boys and girls were girls, thereby completing annihilating the starting hypothesis of the experiment. Every single experiment, on small and large scales has disproven gender theory decades ago, yet somehow the demagoguery around it is a fixture in our MSM in 2020 and there are gender theory university programs everywhere in the west. How can this be explained?! There are willful, nefarious forces at work pushing an agenda which is, as evidenced by the results of their own experiments, against human nature.
Seeing comments on the cbc and elsewhere there appears to no hope for the average Canadian retard. Communities like this one are tiny and aren't found elsewhere. Compare with USA for example and although the majority are brainwashed covidiots, there is a large chunk of the population that isn't and that translates into many millions of free thinking skeptics. Seems to me that Canada and Germany are the most brainwashed western nations but Canada has, in sheer numbers, the smallest count of non-conformists by far.
- Antifa= ANTI-Fascist
- Black lives matter= protesting POLICE BRUTALITY
- North Korea= DEMOCRATIC Peoples Republic of North Korea
Get it? It's not complicated you covidiots.
Since not immediately agreeing with any leftist/marxist propaganda slogan gets you immediately and irrevocably called a racist, we should start doing the same to leftists and call them PEDOPHILES. It's an equal taboo term that no one would want but it holds more water considering the actual involvement of leftist and globalist organizations with child trafficking.
If anyone screams "you're a racist!", counter with "you're a pedophile".