Let's assume that President Trump restores his rightful office in the USA while Trudeau stays in power in Canada and moves further and further left.
Will Western right-wing/Wexiteer parties form an alliance, or will every province try to host a separate referendum and become a separate country?
Will the new Western Republic keep the Monarchy or will an American-style constitution that comes with a powerful President be enacted?
How would the relationships with eastern Canada and the US develop? I guess you would do a free trade agreement, customs union and remove border checks with the USA (the premise is that Trump stays in office there) while enacting a hard border with the People's Democratic Republic of Trudeauistan?
Or would you rather straight away join the USA as States? AFAIK the Prairie Provinces are considered quite "red" and would vote for the GOP and/or the Patriot Party? Assume that Trump splits California into a red and blue part to make Electoral College more fair and the same thing happens to BC. Vancouver turns into a city state that does not hold power over the rural areas.
Would you approve a Bering Bridge/Tunnel project that would allow easy trade with Russia and help develop Siberia with the help of American/Western Canadian companies?
Europede here.
GEOTUS is purging all RINOs and traitors by starting his own party and basically only admitting whitelisted people.
You might have seen the Lion logo that is circulating for months.
Would it be a good idea for Canadians to start their own Patriotic Party, with the same logo and branding? You could closely cooperate with Trump. Possibly even have Ted Cruz as Chairman if he is still a Canadian citizen.
This would mark the transition from "Make America Great Again" to "Make Earth Great Again", a truly worldwide movement.
Donald Trump could be the Chairman of the umbrella association, called Global Patriotic Organization or something like that.
The left and its criminal structures are international, so why should Conservatives and Patriots not organize internationally as well?